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Please click the below link to view the Illinois Code of Judicial Conduct of 2023 

Illinois Code of Judicial Conduct of 2023 

IJEC Correlation Table


Opinion List

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# Article Title
51 1995-18: Teaching subjects not strictly legal
52 1995-19: Judge acting as legal advisor for an immediate family member.
53 1995-20: Duty of judge, who was formerly in the public defender's office, to disqualify from cases where that office now represents a defendant
54 1995-21:Judge attending an execution.
55 1995-22: Propriety of a judge serving as chair of an organization that raises funds for the charitable arm of the state bar association
56 1995-23: Judge acting in a play for a civic organization's
57 1996-01: Campaign funds - authority to sign expenditure check
58 1996-02: Recommendation of neighbor for state fellowship or internship that is a continuation of studies in government
59 1996-03: Participation of judges in organizational fundraising events.
60 1996-04: Judge as president of a church, temple or mosque and judge's participation in fundraising activities of church, temple or mosque.
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