IJA's IN SCHOOL PROGRAMSIJA's In-Schools Committee creates programs for judges to engage with students of all ages about relevant and timely legal concepts. The committee provides training to judges interested in its programming and helps publicize judges who present to elevate their presence and emphasize the importance of the judiciary’s civic participation. For further information or to request a judge visit your school, please contact Kathy Hosty at [email protected] or 312-431-1283. PROGRAMS7 REASONS TO LEAVE THE PARTY At the beginning, a hip-hop music track sets the tone of a typical teenage party. There is something unlawful going on in each room of the house. The presenter walks the teens through each room, and by using examples from actual court cases, gives them 7 reasons to leave that party. Click here for additional information on 7 Reasons to Leave the Party.
COURTROOM IN THE CLASSROOM Students learn legal concepts best when they can actively engage and participate with actual case materials. But for high school students studying our legal system, “engaging” might not be the first word that comes to mind. So what better way to bring the judicial process to life for civics and history classes than to bring a real live judge to the classroom? Click here for additional information on Courtroom in the Classroom
PAGE IT FORWARD The reading program is aimed at children in grades K-4 to encourage the appreciation, value and enjoyment of reading. Judges dressed in their black robes will make classroom appearances, and read the book and discuss its intersection with history and the law. The book will be donated to the school library. Click here for additional information on Page it Forward
WORRIES OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB “Worries of the World Wide Web” is a 50-60 minute program created to address the increasing problem of cyber bullying, electronic harassment, and sexting/pornography. The program is geared toward middle school and addresses the social and legal consequences of this potentially criminal conduct with a goal of increasing awareness of what is cyber bullying, harassment, and sexting is and how it may impact the lives of those students who participate in it. Click here for additional information on Worries of the World Wide Web
LEARN ABOUT THE LAW COLORING BOOKS Learn about the law - just click on the below link to download a free coloring book!! Thank you to the 19th Judicial Circuit Court for sharing this great resource! Click here to download coloring books |